Hello there!

I was looking around on the internet for photography inspiration and felt there was a certain lack of sites offering that help...so I figured if anyone can do it, I sure can, this blog isn't aimed at high flyers in the photography world, so don't expect anything grand, this blog is for amateurs, people who do photography as a hobby and don't take it that seriously.

I use a Olympus E410 DSLR, with a standard 14 to 42mm lens and a 40-150mm telephoto lens since March 2012, and before I had a Fugi Finepix. I started getting into photography about a two years ago, and when I saw a good photography opportunity I would take it, more recently I've taken a keen interest in it, and now actively go out looking for photos, and where ever I go, just about, my camera comes with me!

There's a brief history of my photography hobby, I didn't want to bore you to much...I hope this blog provides the inspiration you are looking for!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Quite a good shot I thought, it was a summers evening and the sun was setting and I had my camera to hand, I was going around the garden taking shots, then I saw the light shining throug the trees onto this plant, with its red leaves it is lit up by the sun. In post-camera, I used photoshop to add a red filter to it, adding warm to the photo, giving the rays of sunlight seen a warm and happy feel.
Taken using 14-44 standard lens.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Drinking fire

These two pictures I took on holiday in Bath, I thought they captured the nature
of the city and the culture excellently, despite being in a big crowd I managed to get quite a
few good shots of the guy. 

I set my camera to shutter priority, 1/1000 and turned up my ISO slightly,
so I wouldn't get a dark photo, to 1600 and chose my moments well I think, got great
shots of the man's expressions and the fire well, using the shutter priority setting can
be very useful if you're stuck for ideas on what to shoot, try taking pictures of falling water, or
some jumping......the list on goes!!

Kids playing piano

A nice shot of my younger cousins and my sister mucking around on
a piano, admittedly I could of got lower, but seeing as these cousins are
so young, I thought I'd get the picture when I can, rather than asking them to
pose, or move around for me. But overall I was pleased with it, using your shutter speed to
slow things down adds a new perspective to your photo.
Taken using a 40-150mm telephoto lens.  

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Nude Doll

This photo came from me looking around my room, finding the odd toy here and there
and putting them together, making a pretty funny photo, of a nude doll chasing "Lego" men,
this gave me great ideas for what else I could do, for example, the photo of my Pirate
in the bird bath. You could create a whole world for the Lego men or the nude doll!
Taken using a standard lens (14-42mm) 

Eye eyes

This photo was taken with my standard lens and a 10x macro filter
I bought, as I can't afford to splash out on a new macro lens,
these are a great option to go for. They come in a pack of four, 1x, 2x
4x and 10x, they all screw together as well, (That's if you're buying Polaroid Macro filters,
these can be viewed by clicking here)  but then the edge of the photo
becomes blury, and degrades the photo, but they are a great substitute for
an expensive macro lens.

Colour popped lolly

This simple shot of my sister can be edited in a way to draw the eye to the lolly
by simply colour popping it, using "Photoshop" I was able to make a ordinary
photo into a eye catching, quirky photo.
Colour popping is a good way to add more interest into the photo, so if you have less interesting,
plain photos, colour popping gives it that extra "omph"
Please let me know if you wish for a tutorial on colour popping.
Taken with a 40-150mm telephoto lens. 

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Lighting up leaves

Having sun shining through the trees is often makes a great photo, this one
quite good, as the sun not only shines through, in the centre of the photo, but
also lights up the surrounding leaves...adding a boost of colour to the photo.
Photo taken with a standard 14-42mm lens