Hello there!

I was looking around on the internet for photography inspiration and felt there was a certain lack of sites offering that help...so I figured if anyone can do it, I sure can, this blog isn't aimed at high flyers in the photography world, so don't expect anything grand, this blog is for amateurs, people who do photography as a hobby and don't take it that seriously.

I use a Olympus E410 DSLR, with a standard 14 to 42mm lens and a 40-150mm telephoto lens since March 2012, and before I had a Fugi Finepix. I started getting into photography about a two years ago, and when I saw a good photography opportunity I would take it, more recently I've taken a keen interest in it, and now actively go out looking for photos, and where ever I go, just about, my camera comes with me!

There's a brief history of my photography hobby, I didn't want to bore you to much...I hope this blog provides the inspiration you are looking for!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Kids playing piano

A nice shot of my younger cousins and my sister mucking around on
a piano, admittedly I could of got lower, but seeing as these cousins are
so young, I thought I'd get the picture when I can, rather than asking them to
pose, or move around for me. But overall I was pleased with it, using your shutter speed to
slow things down adds a new perspective to your photo.
Taken using a 40-150mm telephoto lens.  

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